July 9, 2014 Comments are off super-admin

200 million tons the global production


Despite the arrival of the global production of paper to 200 million tonnes a year, however, the industry took the fall for various reasons, most notably the lack of fresh water, which is mainly involved in their manufacturing process, prompting factories paper Arabic to the use of waste paper in the paper industry as well as imported pasta Free at very high while other Arab went factories to import paper and sufficiency operations of cutting and forming the so-called manufacturing industry.
The economic reports that global production of paper is estimated to be nearly two hundred million tons a year, produces the United States and Canada, about 50% of world production of wood pulp and about 40% of world production of paper, and most of the production of both pulp or paper in America for domestic consumption, as well as its import covers this consumption from other countries, they consume only 50% of the world production of paper, followed by Canada and the Scandinavian countries, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and Italy, then come rest of the world, and added that in the future will the increase in paper manufacturing and consumption be more than ever before, and this is due to the increase in population and increase the level of education.
General Counsel of the Association of Chinese paper industry, said that China’s exports amounted to about 40 million tons to the world, of which 14 million tons are exported to the UAE, and restore the state exporting the surplus for their need, and Chinese paper products exports increased by 67% during 2005 and 2006 are expected to increase more by the end of this decade. Where the United States and Europe and the world to the Chinese paper-based to provide 30% of the publishing and paper expenses, as quoted by many international publishing houses their headquarters and activities to China, such as Penguin world.
The tissue paper sector Society of China The Middle East is one of the fastest growing markets in the consumption of tissue paper products. The Assembly expressed its confidence in the strength of this regional sector, and the possibility of updated continuously through continued adoption of technologies and practices and experiences followed in the world, pointing out that the Middle East consumes manufacturing paper materials to meet the needs in the field of packaging, to its lack of natural resources, especially trees that turn into paper.
And it unveiled new solutions that reduce the operational cost of electrical energy that most paper and tissue paper manufacturing factories suffer from consumption, shrinking about 20% of operating costs. She said the size of the Middle East market stock production amounted to about 8 million tons, of which 6 million to import, and two million tons of domestic production, adding that the country exports about 4 million tons to countries in the region, while consuming about two million tonnes in the domestic market.
And that the number of leaves factories of all kinds in the Middle East amounted to about 50 factories, including 11 factories in the UAE and 6 factories for the manufacture of tissue paper, and two factories for the manufacture of newspapers, magazines and papers.
Saleh pointed out that the paper producers in the Arab world accuse importers enter paper products at lower prices than selling prices to the domestic market, while importers confirms that global prices have fallen, which made it necessary for them to reduce prices of locally traded. Experts in the paper sector and stressed that the Middle East is the fastest growing in the world, in light of the growing domestic production, especially since the sector consumes about 8 million tons a year, where they are imported 5 million tons and production of 3 million domestically, suggesting the potential for future growth. At the same time, domestic production is still in the paper napkins sector small, compared to rates of high demand where the imported paper and tissue industry in the Middle East, 62% of its needs from abroad. So the situation needs to be studies for the development of the paper products industry in Egypt and Arab countries and activating beneficial projects in this field

Statistics about paper consumption rates in the world


Did you know that dear rates Nohlak paper in the world vary from one country to another, according to the culture of the paper and its uses and Statistics Here are some special rates of global consumption

13.5 kg average per capita consumption of paper annually in the Arab countries.
12 kg per capita consumption of paper per year in Syria.
11 kg per capita consumption of paper annually in Lebanon.
38 kg per capita consumption of paper per year in Kuwait.
32 kg per capita consumption of paper per year in the UAE.
26 kg per capita consumption of paper per year in Saudi Arabia.
10 kg per capita consumption of paper annually in Egypt.
14 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Russia.
Permission must be studying the per capita consumption rates in Egypt are less consumption rates in the world, but the growth rate of consumption in Egypt is growing considerably owing to change the culture of the use of paper products in Egypt
140 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Spain.
141 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Australia.
158 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Italy.
334 kg average per capita consumption of paper annually in the United States.
208 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Britain.

The difference between marketing

Is marketing is selling …?
Many of us believed that marketing is the latest name to the word sale and this was in the distant past to some extent accepted definition, but after the emergence of marketing theories became this old concept is wrong and we find that the difference between marketing and sales is a big difference.
Sale is the discharge of the products that our existing stores, which actually seek to discharge markets.
The marketing means planning ahead to search for the needs of the consumer, who is a target for marketing the product, which is followed by the production process and then you will find the sales process Analabie became the process of marketing operations.
Marketing concept means the activity, for a share of the market for your products or services and therefore constantly in order to achieve more sales, whether in kind or service.
Here Qari Aziz After the important instructions that should be the subject of study for the establishment or thinking in the creation of new small project
1. First, know what are the goods and services they want and what their specifications Almstlk?
2. Why is the consumer prefers a product similar special with your product?
3. Consider a good competitor and study its product so that it can rival
4. Look for places consumers are the beneficiaries of your product and try to explore their thoughts?
5. Select your price to be competitive in order to help you achieve your sales
This means that you must be based study your opponent a good study and try to be characterized him as much as the possibilities available to you until you reach the sales ability Perhaps this thought is the one who succeeds in Egypt, specifically as a good concept and study the good the actual costs that help small on the success of the project because the projects large and giant corporations bear great burdens and expenses of the biggest and you download their products this big burden of expenses that can be provided in a small-scale project, which helps in the success of small businesses and develop their capacities and reach out to global markets.

Think small projects in Egypt (Group of Five)

First, the idea of a simplified project:

The project is based on trying to mainstream the idea of self-employment and self-reliance in the production, marketing and create a productive society and the source rather than the service of society.

project goals :

This project aims to several things:
The first combat unemployment.
Educate young people about the social dimension of the work as a single group and for the group which will reflect positively on the society.
Expand the concept of production and manufacturing, which in turn is due to increased revenue without relying on governments in the operation.
The profitability of production and the provision of appropriate life of the owners of this work

The basis of the idea:

These projects rely on the human element comes first and then the role of equipment and financial resources

An explanation of the project: (Group of Five)

The idea of the project needs young people willing to work hard and will work mini-seminars and not the beginning within a neighborhood are assembled between 150 to 200 young men and is the work of an educational seminar except for a day or two, and their studies through the questions and answers and choose the items you already have the desire to work and divided into each group sets five members and provide a place area does not exceed 200 m from the subsidiaries to the District and to provide the necessary funding local development
For this project, which will not exceed the 100,000 to 150,000 and distributed to five members rose from 20 to 30,000 melodic through the Social Fund for Development will be production lines them equipped by the machine and the desired product type and are distributed five individuals within this system as they see are good at dealing with equipment is the role of production and some of them mobilizes packaging and some of them based marketing and complete the system and we’ll train them practical and theoretical and help them to bring out the product in the best picture of the task and the also we are going to help them in the marketing of products so that they have the ability to start the production and absorption of work unhindered. We have the reasons for the success of these projects in Egypt several reasons, first, if the responsible authorities in Egypt for activating the private small businesses law, which states that the right of small projects in Egypt to deal in the range of 10% of all bodies and agencies operating in the country and even gave you to a small profile these companies, we find that Egypt Tiran.tsthlk nearly 20 million pounds per annum and Egyptian companies and foreign oil by about 18 million pounds and other companies, hotels and other Acharka T. what if we did this law.
Do not become the share of these projects annually enough and more than abilities productivity without the need for other markets and helps them to repay loans Among the goals of this project is also helping the project, which do well to increase production capacity, after follow-up during the first 6 months of the project and will be working within these Group Easement sense that the place will not be Tmlikh them but Easement rent Average and ownership of the project and equipment back to them after the test period, which is possible to extend into the year to fend for themselves seriously and the rescue does not fit with the group is replaced by another from the list pending in the same area and circulate then this idea to other neighborhoods and other industries that deal in products in the Egyptian daily our markets this project and return them material benefit which makes us realize in them the spirit of work and production, and also good profitability which will be returned to them.
The paper and paper products industry in Egypt in front of a very big future, where we still consume less consumption rate in the world, a 10 kilo per person per year compared with the countries of Europe, consumption of 280 kg per capita annually up
If the elements of this project if available will provide in every neighborhood beginning between 50 to 100 projects though the trial began five or ten projects and measure their work and success and are circulated later to become a good return on the community, and most of these producers from the projects and good success of these projects depends on the ability human wishing to success and no doubt one in a million that the Egyptian youth is capable of this success, we are willing to provide this beloved community on all our hearts and to be a producer and not a service.