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Statistics about paper consumption rates in the world

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Did you know that dear rates Nohlak paper in the world vary from one country to another, according to the culture of the paper and its uses and Statistics Here are some special rates of global consumption

13.5 kg average per capita consumption of paper annually in the Arab countries.
12 kg per capita consumption of paper per year in Syria.
11 kg per capita consumption of paper annually in Lebanon.
38 kg per capita consumption of paper per year in Kuwait.
32 kg per capita consumption of paper per year in the UAE.
26 kg per capita consumption of paper per year in Saudi Arabia.
10 kg per capita consumption of paper annually in Egypt.
14 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Russia.
Permission must be studying the per capita consumption rates in Egypt are less consumption rates in the world, but the growth rate of consumption in Egypt is growing considerably owing to change the culture of the use of paper products in Egypt
140 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Spain.
141 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Australia.
158 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Italy.
334 kg average per capita consumption of paper annually in the United States.
208 kg average per capita consumption of paper per year in Britain.